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ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a condition that first becomes apparent in childhood, although sometimes it may remain undiagnosed till late adolescence or adulthood. In children, characteristic symptoms may suggest the diagnosis through observations in school, at home and in the community.  However, the diagnosis of ADHD is a clinical diagnosis meaning a thorough history by an experienced clinician is usually sufficient to diagnose the disorder.  However, objective psychometric testing may be helpful in making the diagnosis in questionable or complicated histories.  Subjective scales are often used to follow treatment improvement and aid in initial diagnosis.   


ADHD in adults sometimes continues from childhood into adulthood.  While adult ADHD is often considered underdiagnosed, there is also greater difficulty in obtaining an accurate diagnosis. Our psychiatrist has years of experience in identifying and diagnosing cases of ADHD as early in the course of the disorder as possible. Over the years, he has helped hundreds of children and adults with ADHD restore their control over their life and improve functioning



  • ADHD is a biological disorder. It has one of highest genetic powers of transmission when compared to other psychiatric illnesses (i.e. schizophrenia or bipolar disorder ). The genetic power of ADHD transmission is viewed similarly to human height transmission.

  • A key symptom of ADHD is attention problems, not hyperactivity; some patients are not hyperactive. Other frequent complaints include lack of motivation and feelings of boredom.

  • ADHD undermines performance in educational and professional areas and is often destructive to the social life and relationships of those afflicted. Studies show that people with untreated ADHD score 20 points lower of their actual IQ performance.

  • 5-7% of the population suffer from ADHD which doesn’t end with childhood and persists throughout adult life. Still, ADHD is a hot topic of public debate about its very existence. ADHD is a rarely diagnosed and consequently undertreated disorder which as a bottleneck chokes personal potential if allowed to remain untreated.


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